Why I Love Spring Engagement Pictures Houston – Jessi Marri Photography

Why I Love Spring Engagement Pictures

Engagement Pictures Houston
Jessi Marri Photography

In our beautiful world and all of the seasons that it offers us year round, there’s something so special about Springtime. The flowers are blooming, the sun seems to be shining a little bit brighter and a little bit longer. And the colors all around are inspiring to photographer like me. Today is the perfect day to share with everyone why I love Spring engagement pictures Houston.

The Newness Springtime Offers

We’ve just left Winter. While although Winter has beauty of it’s own, so does Spring. With the sun shining a little longer during the day and with the trees and flowers blooming, it opens us up to something we didn’t know we were missing during the Wintertime. I recommend taking full advantage of taking your engagement pictures Houston in the Spring. The weather is warm enough to wear your favorite sundress. (You know the one!) And you can even incorporate your favorite wedges or sandals. Your fiancé can still wear a suit or that sweater you love on him so much, and he won’t be sweating up a storm. It’s the perfect happy-medium.

Perfect Evening Pictures

I know that it can be difficult to schedule your engagement pictures Houston around your work schedule. The good thing about Springtime is that since the sun is hanging out with us a little bit longer in the evening, it gives you the perfect opportunity to meet with your photographer after work and get those beautiful golden hour images! (You know, the dreamy ones all over your Pinterest boards!) Also, talk about the perfect way to wind down after a work day… You get to get all dolled up and spend time kissing your fiancé. How fun is that?

Flexibility With Locations 

Do you have a location that you’re just dreaming to use for your engagement pictures? Maybe it’s by the water or with some blue bonnets? Well, with Springtime arriving at our doorstop, we now have the availability to use locations such as those. Blue bonnets aren’t always around and it may be freezing by the water. Now, that’s something you can do!

Meeting With Jessi

Are you interested in Jessi Marri Photography for your Springtime engagement pictures Houston? Get in touch today and let’s schedule a consultation at my studio! I look forward to hearing about your upcoming wedding! Stop by my pricing page to see what my packages look like and everything I offer. From destination wedding photography and beyond, you can trust Jessi Marri Photography!

(832) 329-3042

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